A workaround to get rid of x11/compositor crash in KDE 5.x for Intel HD GPUs

OpenGL-Compositor crash fix on wakeup/unlock event

This is a simple workaround to recover from the kde compositor crashes that renders the screen with black artifacts with non-responding UI.

The idea is to keep a script running in the background which capture the dbus event of lock/unlock screen to restart kwin window manager.

Restart script


dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver'" |
  while read x; do
    case "$x" in
      *"boolean true"*) pkill kwin_x11;;
      *"boolean false"*) kwin_x11 --replace;;  

Autostart task


How it works

The autostart script monitors for lock/unlock event continuously in the background. On every unlock event, it triggers a kwin window manager restart using the command kwin_x11 --replace