This article explains upgrade of awx services running on docker.

Stop AWX Services

In some case, tag latest needs to be replaced with current version running on the system.

docker stop awx_task
docker rm awx_task
docker rmi ansible/awx_task:latest

docker stop awx_web
docker rm awx_web
docker rmi ansible/awx_web:latest

Backup Inventory File

cp ~/awx/installer/inventory ~/inventory

Refresh AWX Code

cd ~/awx/installer
git stash
git pull
cd installer

Run Upgrade

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
cd installer
# Review inventory (Update passwords and vars from backed up inventory file)
ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml

If prompted for passphrase input, provide docker hub login password

Start AWX Services

cd ~/.awx/awxcompose
docker-compose up -d