This article explains how to configure tor/onion network for firefox browser on arch linux. Tor browser( still remains the recommended or easiest means of using tor network for browsing with privacy.

Install tor and privoxy

$ yay -S tor
$ yay -S privoxy

Starting tor

$ sudo systemctl enable tor
$ sudo systemctl start tor

Starting privoxy

Tor client runs on port 9050. Privoxy should be configured to use this socks port to forward all http/https traffic. Add the line at the end of the file /etc/privoxy/config

forward-socks5 / localhost:9050 .

Configure network proxy setting

Open Firefox->Preferences and change the network settings to use the new proxy configuration

HTTP Proxy -> localhost Port 8118
SOCKS Host -> localhost Port 9050


Install proxy toggle addon

Install the proxy toggle addon from to enable/disable tor proxy
