Current/Recent Works


Modern web application developed upfront to assist operators with their basic day to day operations.

Technology Stack: ReactJS, Go, and Redis

Preview: image-20210615235109750

Project ChatOps for Microsoft Teams

Focus of this project is to perform automated deployments from Microsoft Teams as native chat queries.

  • Developers can initiate deployment as chat queries
  • Transparency (Automated status updates of deployment)
  • Better Collaboration
  • Faster turn around time for product features development

Technology Stack: NodeJS, Jenkins, and MS Teams

GoVuln Scanner [WIP]

Lang: GO

Started as a small hobby project to mimic CIS audit tool(commercial vulnerability scanner) is completely being built from the ground up using golang and bootstrap.


  • GUI Scanner with Remote Exec enabled
  • Conformance with Latest CIS benchmark standards(v2)
  • Batch Operation (TODO)
  • Remote Scanning with SSH Password(Supported)/Key(TODO)
  • Remediation of discovered vulnerabilities (TODO)

Source Code

Route53 Updater for RDS

Lang: Python

Quick task to create/update CNAME entries of a hosted zone with RDS cluster endpoint.

Source Code